Τετάρτη 25 Ιουλίου 2012

Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.

Hello everyone. 

I couldn't believe that my summer will be so busy ( busy of course in a good way ). Planning on getting away again this weekend with friends, re-organize my place, going out with people ( only at night ) like vampires, looking for places with fresh cold air and drinks` a program like that is always welcome!

Wish a great time to all ^^

Here also my necklace and my new cameo ring. The ring looks so antique <3

I found these two beautiful frames by accident and they made me so happy, first cause the little one is so adorable and the big one have all those little frames i can use. The most amazing part is that both of them, were in discount, so i paid 0.50 for the little one ( was pretty damaged when i bought it! ) and 5 euros for the big one. 

10 σχόλια:

  1. Those frames really are beautiful! What a great find. :)

  2. omg, i love the ring and the necklaze and oh everything! lol

    You've got such splendid taste if i may say so <3

    1. Haha thank you my dear :D My mom bought me the necklace!!:P
      Oh really? Thats so amazing to say to me! Thankss again <3

  3. Hey hun, I'm just dropping by again to let you know I've nominated you for a Liebster award, which you can find out more on in my post here:

    You have a great blog and I would love the chance to get to know you better. Best wishes!
    Manda x

    1. Oh i just saw it , oh thank you very much , i very much appreciate the fact that you nominate me and for liking my blog <3 I will find some time to do it! Thank you again very much ^^

  4. That necklace is so beautiful! The frames are also a nice find, especially at those bargain prices! I love the bow at the top of the larger one! Great taste! xxx

    1. Hey and welcome!!:)) That was the perfect in that case. They were the last pieces and with some flaws on so they gave them to me almost for free. And the fact that i found exactly what i was looking for, that makes it a pretty great find! Thank you so much darling! <3


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