Τετάρτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2013

A happy life is one spent in learning, earning, and yearning.

Hello everyone, hope you are all well! 
Forgive the old / summer-y photo but i was having 
a crazy schedule the last few days.
 Therefore, no time. 
Cappuccino to go and biscuits, can wake up my still sleepy inner self.

I do have a pretty long... list of books i want to buy / read. 
( Who doesn't?! )

A never-ending list which i enjoy 
adding more everyday and crying over the fact that it's getting longer :
I am always in research. I feel extremely privileged when i have the luck 
to find good editions. Even more when i find them 
in huge discount. Win win ✔

The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton.
I bought mine in a luxurious hardcover edition for only 3 €. 
*tears of joy because it's really beautiful*

Second book,  Estravagario a collection of poems by Pablo Neruda.
I had read in past, so many of his poems online but only last winter i found this book for only 1€.
A beautiful, again, hardcover edition.

 I live in Greece. 
That little country in Europe (still) having no relations 
to anything Halloween-ish. 
Halloween decorations = impossible to find. But I did!!!! ^-^ 
Tree candle cases for 2.50 € (all of them) with some bats, glitter and cats and pumpkin faces! 
They are sooo tacky and i love them!!

Also i found this gorgeous heavy frame for 3 €

And a little story....
Some days back i was in my balcony, doing some "gardening" when i felt and heard an earthquake. It was intense, noisy mostly. I hate earthquakes ( i got pretty scared! ) and anything that comes from Nature's wrath. I am writing this because the specific one had the same exact center as The Great Thessaloniki Earthquake that happened on June 1978 and was the largest seismic activity in the area since 1932. So hearing my parent's experience, got me into thinking about an image i had in mind for so long. 

A clock i was staring every time i was walking around those streets, asking myself why it was stopped at 23:03. Long story short, the clock in Arcade Malakopi (picture) stopped moving the evening of the earthquake. Creepy and amazing at the same time, because literally the time froze still. In that moment, during that night. Cool ha?

16 σχόλια:

  1. Ωραία ιδέα για μελλοντικό post το ρολόϊ στη στοά της Μαλακοπής - θέλω κι άλλο, σα να λέμε;-)

  2. Oh yes, in Lithuania it is also too damn difficult to get anything halloween-ish. This year tho I had sister to send me some things from the UK :}

  3. Poland does a high-five with Greece about not having anything Halloween related! XD But I'm quite proud of this, actually. Although we celebrate the Day of the Dead in Christian way, in XIXth century there still was a pagan tradition, somewhat related to Samhain, but not quite - and nowadays modern Polish pagans scorn Halloween and celebrate that old festivity. I myself am fond of it, too :)

    You could make a post about how the Day of the Dead looks in Greece! I'm very interested what is the Orthodox way of celebrating it, and do you have some still living pagan traditions of your ancestors? That's interesting, because Greek people converted to Christianity very long time ago, and I don't remember reading anything about day of the dead in mythology of the Ancient Greece... Or maybe there are some interesting cemeteries in Greece, or local traditions? Let me know :)

    1. Haha welcome to the club!! :) Apparently we are many!! Oh that sounds extremely beautiful and yes, if i was you, i would be proud as well!! I would love to see pictures from your Day of the dead in your country and as many info as possible about how / why and where do you celebrate the day !!! ^-^ I will definitely make a post about our traditions in Greece!! Glad you want to know about it! <3

    2. Haha, I do plan writing a post about Day of the Dead in Poland! :D Since we have snowless Decembers lately, this festivity replaced Christmas in my eyes as being the most magical one :) I just hope it won't be raining on this day, because taking photos will be hard then...

      Orthodoxy fascinates me, it looks so much more beautiful compared to Catholicism, yet I know nothing about it. Sure, there are Russia and Belarus and Ukraine nearby, but I believe these countries have different traditions than Greece... because their traditions are super pagan and root to that festivity I mentioned in my previous comment and I love them :D Greece on the other hand is so far away and you just don't get to know how people living there celebrate their holidays, until you know a Greek person.

    3. Cross fingers to be a good day then ^^ Cannot wait :D
      Well, you found a Greek person and even more a person who studied in university, social theology - specific in anything orthodox you found fascinating - so feel free to ask for anything and i will make a post about it. I will gather some info about our traditions in here and i will create a whole post about it!! Plus whatever else i find :D Take care my dear <3

  4. Oh do agree with Ra's comment. How do you celebrate this holiday in Greece. We have the christian tradition with lighting candles on the graves and remember our ancestors in the church ceremonys. We also separate the halloween thing to All saints eve.

    1. As soon as i will find some time i will definitely make a post about it! Although i don't think is that beautiful as the one Ra and you described to me. :/ Especially in cities! In countryside things change a bit! Oh and i hate them because i experienced a lot during my life... I dont like them at all.. :(

  5. Ah, that portrait of the mourning Victorian lady is gorgeous! Hallowe'en is less than two weeks away, and I am so utterly delighted~! I live in America, which I am not fond of, but the benefit is that there is indeed much Hallowe'en merchandise. I also celebrate Samhain, though, and unfortunately barely anyone here knows what that is.

    1. Aw thank you for that ^-^
      They don't know what Samhain is?! And i thought especially Americans will know, as long as they celebrate Halloween! So there is no place in this world that celebrates combined the things we celebrate individual!

  6. I'm glad you found something Halloween-ish though it sounds like quite the hunt! I have never experienced an earthquake but it must be terrifying. Glad you are ok. We just have to worry about tornadoes where I live. Enjoy your reads!

    1. Thank you! In all my years to find something related to Halloween now, makes me wonder if they decided to bring them in my country. We will see. :) Oh gosh it was terrifying even more for me because even though i come off as a "bada$$" i am screaming like a little child -.-' Humiliating :P I have seen videos of tornadoes never experienced anyone but gosh they look terrifying as well :O

  7. You are so very beautiful! I've been in Greece, you are also happy to live in that godblessed country)


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