Τρίτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.

Hello everyone, it's been a while. 
I had a pretty full month and to be honest not so much energy to post here. 
But this will change. As the mood of a blogger does! :D

One day during summer, i bought this big, lovely teacup 
with some amazing blue and white details. 
A few days after that, i accidently found & bought the plate and now i have a set!!!
The plate is even more pretty, it has this adorable picture 
of a couple in the middle and it matches perfectly with the teacup. 
Now i drink my coffee like a lady!! :P

I also found this lovely plate. 
The colours are fantastic and the design reminded me of some old small plates 
my grandma owns. She used to serve her homemade fruit preserves, or spoon sweets.
That gave me an idea to try and make my own spoon sweets in the future.
*Grandma, i will need some help!!!*
So, i bought two of these and a teacup for my mother.

I collect things and i love putting them in jars. 
Also, i love jars. In them you can display all the things you love,
and keep them away from dust. 

Here for example, i have stones from my trip to Scotland. 
More spesific the first small jar has a stone from the Glasgow Necropolis and 
the bigger jar, a few stones from Old Calton cemetery in Edinburgh. 
I like picking up stones from places i visit, so i have quite a few.

Home made cookies with cocoa and orange flavour. 

And last but no least, here are some favourite 
A. Hitchcock movies for today's post.

5 σχόλια:

  1. Α, βότσαλα θα τα λέμε; ΟΚ ;-)
    Κουλουράκια, κέικ, καρυδόπιτες, you name it - sugar overdose κάθε χρόνο τέτοια εποχή.
    Για τον Hitchcock τι να πω; Να πω ότι τον φθονώ; Να το πω.

    1. Σου χάλασα εγώ ποτέ χατίρι? :P Χαχα ασε, έχω πάθει εξάρτηση τελευταία, και την ειχα κοψει την άτιμη, αλλα τι να κάνω που ζητάω ζάχαρη τωρα που χειμωνιασε και κρυώνω (δικαιολογίες!!!)

  2. You are so gorgeous, as always~! I adore the teacup and plate. I want it. :P


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